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Our Story

The North Carolina Grange was officially recognized in1875, but hit its stride after re-organizing in 1929. The war was over, the Depression had ended, and our state’s isolated farm families needed a place to come together. Through local events, education, renewed community spirit, and the encouragement to be more tolerant of others with different political and religious beliefs, the Grange helped neighbors and communities come together. People received help getting on their feet through training and cooperative buying and selling among members. When schools needed help, the Grange stepped in there too. In some cases, even running them. Our members were instrumental in the development of 4-H and Future Farmers of America and worked to ensure North Carolina’s farming communities would emerge stronger than ever.

As the times have evolved, so has the NC Grange. In addition to our thousands of traditional farmers, many of our newer members live in more urban areas, some farm on roof tops in the city, others in greenhouses in the suburbs while others do not farm at all but still more just want to achieve a more sustainable way of living. What we all share is a common love and respect for what the earth and good old hard work can provide. Many are leading grassroots legislation to protect this way of life, getting involved in volunteer-ism and education. Together we all enjoy social and community events, the fellowship of others, educational scholarships and wholesome activities for our children and the knowledge that we are part of something enduring and important.
Our dedication to the future of agriculture in our state has never been stronger. We have put in place programs for rural community improvement, the improvement of medical facilities, power facilities, sanitation, communication, economic opportunity, and conservation of our natural resources. Most importantly, we focus on the education of the next generation. Our children and their children will be the stewards of this land we hold dear. We work to instill the skills and love of the land they will need when it is their turn to lead. To ensure the land and these ideals we treasure will live on, the NC State Grange Foundation engages in and encourages charitable, scientific, and educational activities that help agricultural life here in our state.

Our Leadership
Board of Directors

Vinnie Duncan
Board Chairman
Corriher Grange

Barden Culbreth
Capitol Grange

Jimmy Martin
Brogden Grange

Vice President
David Allen
Corriher Grange

Raymond Hayes
Taylors Bridge Grange

Tom Cash
Corriher Grange

Jimmy Gentry
Corriher Grange

John Crawford
Grantham Grange

Charles Forrester
Ranger Grange

Julia Stack
Cape Fear Grange

Melanie Hudson
St Johns Grange
Photo Unavailable
State Officers
President: Jimmy Gentry, Troutman Grange
Vice President: David Allen, Corriher Grange
Secretary: Barden Culbreth, Capitol Grange
Treasurer: Julia Stack, Cape Fear Grange
Chaplain: LaRue Tart, Grantham Grange
Program Director: Bobbie Dellinger, Corriher Grange Steward: Mark Hood, Grantham Grange
Assistant Steward: Jason Davis, Westbrook Grange
Lady Assistant Steward: Crystal Allen, Corriher Grange
Greeter: Philip Duncan, Corriher Grange
Ceres: Dianne Hudson, St. John’s Grange
Pomona: Sharon Ritchie, St. John's Grange
Flora: Wanda Crawford, Grantham Grange
our team

Not Pictured:
Agricultural Programs
Dr. Bill Collins